"March, 23rd is the 10th Anniversary of An Cafe. An Cafe Latin America have an Idea fot the celebration: All cafekko's in the world should use a hashtag on twitter. #Happy10thofAnCafe. An Cafe Brazil and An Cafe Latin America is counting on you!
Trend will start at 00h on March, 23rd (in Japan). In Brazil it start at 12:00 on march 22nd.We're really counting on you. Tell your cafekko friend to help us, also say for the member to use it too!at last, please, translate it for your language, so cafekko who doesn't speak english could see it to.
Bye Nyappy"
Trend will start at 00h on March, 23rd (in Japan). In Brazil it start at 12:00 on march 22nd.We're really counting on you. Tell your cafekko friend to help us, also say for the member to use it too!at last, please, translate it for your language, so cafekko who doesn't speak english could see it to.
Bye Nyappy"
23 de março é o 10º aniversário do An Cafe. Para celebrar está data, a An Cafe
America Latina teve a ideia de todos os cafekkos do mundo usarmos no twitter a
hashtag #Happy10thOfAnCafe, An Cafe Brasil e An Cafe America Latina contam com vocês!
Nós começaremos a trendar as 00h (horário japonês) do dia 23 de março, no Brasil será as
12h do dia 22 de março.
contamos com a colaboração de todos, divulguem o máximo que puderem, e traduzam
para as suas línguas. Se possível, também avisem os membros da banda para
usarem a tag no dia.
Vamos todos comemorar o aniversário da nossa querida banda com estilo? Nos ajudem!
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