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Mostrando postagens de janeiro, 2014

【LIVE REPORT】 Nyappy Bus - 2014/01/05 - English

Nyappy! I went to Japan, I was in the budokan concert and the tour that was to Tokyo the day after the concert. I have not written the live report of the concert, but I already wrote the live report of 5th of January, I hope you like it. -- Live Report - Nyappy bus 2014 - English (Sorry for my poor English) Typically, normal people would first live report about the concert which was on Jan. 4, not begin the tour which was on the 5th of January, but I'm not normal. On January  5, 2014, I woke up at 4:20 am or so and wrote letters of thanks to them the day before, I took a shower, and I saw it was still 6am, I slept some more, I woke up at 7am, I had breakfast morning, I got dressed and at around 8:30 am I went to the place that the bus would leave 9:30. The location was close to my hotel, I did not take me five minutes to get there, just that there was no one, I got scared, so I went for a walk around the block and found that the college occupied the entire block. And the...

【LIVE REPORT】Nyappy bus - 05/01/2014 - Português

Nyappy! Eu fui para o Japão e participei tanto do show do budokan, quanto do passeio que teve por Tokyo no dia seguinte, eu ainda não fiz o live report do show, mas eu já fiz do passeio do dia 5 de janeiro, espero que vocês gostem. -- Live Report - Nyappy bus 2014 - Portuguese Normalmente, as pessoas normais fariam primeiro o live report do show que foi no dia 4 de janeiro, e não começariam pelo passeio que foi no dia 5 de janeiro, mas eu não sou normal. No dia 5 de ja neiro de 2014, eu acordei as 4h20 mais ou menos e escrevi as cartas para eles de agradecimento pelo dia anterior, eu tomei um banho, e vi que ainda era 6h, dormi mais um pouco, acordei as 7h, tomei café da manhã, me vesti e por volta das 8h30 fui para o local que os ônibus sairiam as 9h30. O local era próximo do meu hotel, eu não demorei 5 minutos para chegar lá, só que não havia ninguém, eu fiquei apavorada, então fui dar uma volta no quarteirão e descobri que a faculdade ocupada o quarteirão inteiro...