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【LIVE REPORT】 Nyappy Bus - 2014/01/05 - English


I went to Japan, I was in the budokan concert and the tour that was to Tokyo the day after the concert. I have not written the live report of the concert, but I already wrote the live report of 5th of January, I hope you like it.


Live Report - Nyappy bus 2014 - English (Sorry for my poor English)

Typically, normal people would first live report about the concert which was on Jan. 4, not begin the tour which was on the 5th of January, but I'm not normal.

On January 5, 2014, I woke up at 4:20 am or so and wrote letters of thanks to them the day before, I took a shower, and I saw it was still 6am, I slept some more, I woke up at 7am, I had breakfast morning, I got dressed and at around 8:30 am I went to the place that the bus would leave 9:30. The location was close to my hotel, I did not take me five minutes to get there, just that there was no one, I got scared, so I went for a walk around the block and found that the college occupied the entire block. And then I met a Japanese who was also afraid because he had not found anyone, it was a relief and soon found another Japanese.

Near the time, was already packed with people, then monitors the bus arrived and I went, I stayed at 9 accent that was near the beginning of the bus, the number of my bus was 5. A little late, because the band had not yet arrived, and the first member of my bus was teruki, he was fun. And he did not know where we was, he pointed at the beginning "That's a good place to have a beer", and told many other stories, and of course had a musical part with "Nagatatititi" he did with the drum sound mouth and we beat palm.

On our way to the imperial castle where we took the photo, the bus stopped and came Yuuki, he did not really know what to talk about, he was no wig, but with glasses, we asked him to take off the glasses, but he would not, and then spoke to the history of glasses he was wearing. He sang Bee myself Bee yourself, it was cool. We arrived at the first stop, the off the bus gave away a number, that number was to know which member'd talk in the amusement park. When I was coming down from the bus, the Yuuki was with the Junior of manager, Junior when he saw me already said good morning.

Members talked a bit with all the fans together, talked about the concert, so again we divided the number of buses and followed to take a photo with the band. On the way, I was a little further back, the Junior delayed the step to talk to me, we talked about Brazil, he asked me how many hours it took me to get in Japan, I say 25 hours, then he spoke for all cafekko who were behind me this information, then he asked me the temperature of Brazil, my mother told me she was 35ºC, again he spoke to everyone. So I talked about that were foreign to me, but they did not understand Japanese, he smiled and went back to talk to me about something else, complimented my Japanese.

Then it was our turn to take a picture, I wanted to take pictures near the takuya, but two Japanese rushed and each grabbed an arm of takuya, so I went to the teruki, but when he saw me he just smiled and turned away, ignored me, I found strange because the day before, at the time of the high five when he saw me he shouted "Mandy-san" and he would not let me go, but the security made me leave. We took the picture and then it was to go to the bus, however we delay a bit to talk to the members, when Miku saw I, he has spoken: "Mandy-san", and he began to walk with us, the girls talked it bit with him, but he was not to go with us, then the Spark pulled he, I found it funny.

On the way back to the bus, the Kanon led us. So was the lottery, for my unlucky number 3 was the Yuuki, I could not exchange it. We went in the bathroom, so I went back on the bus, I left the bag and would walk some more, then takuya went near my bus, I went to him and said: "I'm from Brazil." He said: "Of course, Mandy-san!" Then walked to the door of my bus and he said: "See you later", I went on the bus and almost died with happiness. So all arrived, and we were on the way to Asakusa, which would be where we would have time for lunch, they handed a map that Yuuki had done with the recommendations of each member of the band, it was fun to have Kanon on the bus, he began to speak the name of all districts, unfortunately it does not say anything about having foreigners. We arrived in Asakusa, and I had lunch on the recommendation of takuya, the food was very good and I bought some souvenirs in the shop too.

We returned to the bus, and this time it was the turn of takuya on my bus, he sat and said hello to all the fans who came when I entered he said: "Yoroshiku Mandy-san (Hello Mandy-san)", I went sit happy. Then he said he was tired because the day before he came home late, showered, ate and went to sleep, to wake up 6:30 am for the ride. He was faced sleep all the time, but he told some stories, he said he recently was coaching swimming every week, he spoke style, but I did not understand. Then he was asking about places that fans were when he finished Japan, he looked at me and said, "Of course, Brazil" and talked some more feedback Brazil for about 2 minutes, but I did not quite understand but he seemed happy. Soon we were at the amusement park.

When we arrived at the park, led us to a hall where he spent the pvs of the trilogy, the band talked to us and released us. Soon begin conversations with members in the scarf. I was one of the last, I was in the park, I played in 2 toys, it was fun. As I waited my turn, takuya went down the hall a couple of times when he was going to the bathroom (I think he was for the bathroom) he just smiled, but in two times he stopped back in, recognized me, said: "Mandy-san "smiled and went back to where you were the other members.

When my turn came, I was the penultimate of Yuuki. Members were on one side in order teruki and takuya, ai had a distance, were the Yuuki, Miku and Kanon in the corner. The Miku did not believe it when he saw me, he said: Mandy-san, takuya janai? (not with takuya?) is not possible, do you took the Yuuki and don’t takuya?" and started laughing, the Yuuki also did not believe I had taken him and don’t takuya, I told them I wanted the takuya and three of us were laughing at my misfortune. The Yuuki took the scarf and put on us and talking: "Unfortunately, I'm not takuya" *he was laughing*. We talked about them coming to Brazil, he said they wanted to come, but this time it would not work, and that maybe next year they come back, and told me to wait. Then he told me that he read my tweets on twitter, I was willing to ask "Why not respond?", But I did not. Then I talked to Raul, who is best friend and that is a big fan of him, he said he remembered it, so I'd talk Flag of Brazil, but the time is up.

I left and I went into the hall again, the takuya went again on the way to, he just said my name, I called him back in, he stopped for a moment and I said, "Unfortunately, I took Yuuki the lottery" he did face sorry and little sad, and he said he had to go back to where the other members were.

Then we met again in the hall, the members thanked and said goodbye. The Junior asked if there would be no farewell, no one understood, then he said about Tiramisu (...), so they invented at the time a 'Nyappy bus, nyappy bus, arigatou" it was fun, then they departed and we went to the bus. The deal was that we sang happy birthday to Miku, would be his turn in bus.

When he entered, he straightened up and exited the bus. He picked up a book of questions, those questions that has 4 answers, and each answer tells a bit about your personality. But it was more erotic. The first question was about making a BBQ, what would? I don’t remember much about the options, but I chose the last that was dessert, then started.

When Miku saw my hand raised, he said: "Oh, Mandy-san! Mandy-san is famous, she spent a lot to come to Japan, and when she comes here she draws the Yuuki, 'No, No, takuya!' "And he continued to speak, I started laughing. Then he returned to the question. Then everyone sang happy birthday. Then he talked a bit and went to the second question, I did not understand, so he asked, "Mandy-san, why do not you answer," I said, "I do not understand the question", he said "How don’t understand? 'Mandy loves takuya-san' that you understand, okay?", he began and did not stop to talk more about me, he was reading the responses, and chose option 2, and said:"Mandy-san too", and talked a lot in Japanese that I didn’t understand, and he knew I did not understand, and completed saying something about me and takuya, the Japanese could not stop laughing. So we had a few moments he was talking, and then said "Mandy-san," said “Honey”, said "takuya loves Mandy-san", he really wanted to tease me. Just before we finished the tour, I shouted: "Miku-san, the Brazilians to An Cafe", and threw the flag of Brazil, he was surprised and happy, opened the flag over, then turned around and said that I was right. Then he said something about the World Cup, he liked to receive the flag. When we were coming, he asked: "What time you agreed?", I replied: "4 am", he mocking: "Mandy-san, why so early?", I replied: "Because I could not sleep", he said" Poor "and he began to make fun of me. When the bus stopped, the Miku was on the bus door saying goodbye and handing the souvenir photo. When my turn came, I said, "Feliz Aniversário (Happy Bday), is otanjyoubi omedetou in Portuguese", he said "I do not understand Portuguese", so I took the picture and went away to the stairs, and he said "Good bye."

When I got off the bus, the translator said "Thank you" in Portuguese for me, he was very kind throughout the tour and very attentive to me, always translating everything into English and explaining myself.
After I meet takuya, when he saw me, he smiled and said "Mandy-san" and extended his hand, Japanese who were around started yelling celebrating for me, I shook his hand and asked for a hug, he said afraid "No", but hugged me, and the Japanese shouted even more celebrating, and I was very happy and I also was wanted to kill Miku (laughs).

Then he climbed on the bus and I went after the other members, I meet the teruki, but he just nodded and smiled. Then I met Junior, he extended his hand to say goodbye to me, and Yuuki was also going and hit my hand to say goodbye. I went to the bus, the Kanon was already there, was the only one I have not had direct contact, they departed waving and the bus departed.

It was the best day of all, each of them made my day more special in their own way, and I love them more and more. The best thing in the world is to be recognized by your idol. When takuya said my name and I saw that he knew who I was, I was happy, of course I know others also made me very happy, but takuya is my favorite member and I had more fear, but during the day he was the member that I meet more and he seemed happy to see me.

The only thing I can say is it was worth every penny I spent to meet them, every second inside the plane as it was rewarded in the best way. An Cafe, Thanks, see you someday, while this day does not arrive, I'll certainly be waiting and supporting you through the internet, as I always did!


I hope you enjoyed. When I write about the concert, I'll post here.

bye nyappy



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