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Surprise to all cafekkos (Oversea Surprise)


We, An Cafe Brasil are going to participate of anime event in Brasil and we have a thematic room there just for An Cafe. Each event that we participated, we celebrated a cafe boy birthday which is close to the event date. Last year at the first edition, we did a party to Teruki and he could watch us via USTREAM. It was the biggest happiness to everybody, the gift was to him but he gave a gift to us even bigger!

This year at the same anime event of last year we are making a party to Teruki and Miku. We communicated them via Twitter and after a few messages, Miku answered us e it looks like he’1l watch us!!!

Thinking about that, we don’t want only a Brazilian cafekko gift, we want a hole cafekko family gift!! As we don’t have many time, we’ll select only 1 video per country. I hope you understand . . . We want to make the best gift to our drummer and vocalist! Can you help us!?

How to help ?
Make a comment video

Max Time:
45 seconds

Number of person per video:

What to say in the video:
Wish a happy birthday to them and what else you think is interesting.

Must say “Nyappy Birthday” in you language. You must say in Japanese or English.

Dezember 06th 2011

Send yhe video to contato.acbr@hotmail.com with your country and you twitter username if you want.

Video format:
.AVI (you can send a URL for video download)

Must be one video to Miku and another to Teruki.

Please, promote it everybody! We want to give them the best gift to both, that’s why we need your help. Because we are a family, aren’t we? Let’s show there is no wall between us to show our love to An Cafe.

Good luck to everyone! Any question you can ask to us by e-mail or Twitter (@AnCafeBrasil)


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